About the Author

About the Author

Meet Steve

I was born and raised in Campbell, California, part of the San Francisco Bay Area we know today as Silicon Valley. I am old enough to claim that my family’s house was on a carved-out section of my grandparents’ prune orchard on a dead-end road that ended at the baseball field of the grade school I attended as a kid.

While growing up, I worked for my father, whose company manufactured caskets for funeral homes. After graduating from college, I embarked on a 42-year sales career in Silicon Valley, which included founding and successfully managing my own sales company until I retired in 2023.

My wife Kathy and I have been married since 1978 and raised our family in Fremont, another city close to the heart of Silicon Valley. We still live there today.

I have actively participated in various volunteer efforts throughout the years, including visiting with pediatric and adult hospice patients and coaching youth sports. In 2003, I played an integral part in raising funds to build a home for the families of injured and sick military personnel to stay while their loved ones received treatment at a local Veterans Administration facility.

In 1994, at the age of 41, a potentially life-threatening health issue changed my life. During this time, I reflected upon my eternal fate and the need to reignite the spiritual passion I had in my youth before I passed away.

Fast forwarding to today, 30 years later, in 2024, I find immense joy in retirement and being a grandfather, especially after overcoming that health scare so many years ago and triumphing recently over several bouts with cancer. My faith is the pillar of my strength and determination to help others.

Why write this book?

With my grandson’s arrival in 2020, I wanted to create a book for him that provides an easy to understand and user-friendly way to connect with God and integrate faith into his beliefs when he is mature enough to seek guidance in life. I wanted it to be simple for him to understand, capture and maintain his interest and not overwhelm him with too much preaching and Biblical references that might confuse him.

After printing several copies of the first edition of this book for family members, I revised the manuscript so anyone can benefit from reading it.

Besides reducing the length of each chapter to make it a quick read, I also removed any personal connections from it. I added two thought-provoking questions at the end of each chapter, allowing readers to reflect and reconsider what they had read and how it might apply directly to their own lives.

This book is clean, informative, and enjoyable for everyone 15 years or older.

Since retiring from my career in the sales industry, I am currently focusing on writing my next book. This book will present a simple, non-judgemental and spiritually based process to follow for individuals struggling to achieve and maintain sobriety from addictive behaviors. It will also be written in a style for someone struggling with these issues to be able to relate to and understand.

What makes this book different?

  • It simplifies how to make your faith in God help you with your daily challenges.

  • The advice and suggestions offered are from personal knowledge and not just speculative opinions.

  • While some people use confusing references from the Bible to convey their message, I prefer connecting them to a few easily understandable verses that offer relatable advice for the topics being discussed.